9 Tips and Tricks for an Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Lifestyle for 2022

When we launched Johnny Footwear, we knew we wanted to improve the way we interact with the environment. Our shoes will play a big role in building a sustainable future but it's also important to educate ourselves on ways to live a sustainable and eco-friendly life! See our top 9 tips and tricks to live a sustainable and low-CO2 lifestyle in 2022.

Dial Down that Thermostat!
It's astounding how much of a difference just a few degrees can make for the environment and your wallet! By bringing down your thermostat just two degrees in the winter, or up by two degrees in the summer, you can save 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year!
Turn Off Your Lights!
One of the biggest contributors to electricity use are lights that should be turned off! Some studies suggest they make up 44% of electricity use in office buildings alone. Do the planet a favor and make sure to close that light when you leave the room.
Use Cold Water!
I'm guilty of this and I'm sure you have been too! Most clothing responds very well to cold wash cycles and you can save up to 80% of the energy used in laundering when you select this option. Always make sure to check the label on your clothes first to avoid any accidents.
Go Paperless!
Whether you're on desktop or mobile, going paperless just makes sense. I was personally surprised to find out how big of an impact paper bills have on the environment! If everyone in North America converted to paperless billing, we reduce 2 million tons of CO2 yearly!
This one is kind of a no-brainer, but often we add things to our recycling that we shouldn't. When properly done, the impact of recycling is massive. It conserves energy, reduces air and water pollution, reduces greenhouse gases, and conserves natural resources.
Buy Local!
This applies not only to produce, but many other items that can be found at your local market. It makes such a big difference for the environment, but also you're helping your support your neighbors and local economy.
Go Solar!
With a low cost to produce, a long life cycle (solar panels come with a 25-year performance guarantee), and the reduction of environmentally-harmful practices like fracking and deep-well drilling, solar energy will be key to reducing the consumption of fossil fuels by humans across the globe. Plus you can sell back any extra energy you produce for extra savings on your monthly bills!
If you have let your food go that little bit too far past its ‘best by’ then you need to be sure to compost it rather than putting it in the bin. Not only will this help create a natural fertilizer and keep your garden green, it’ll also reduce the amount of waste going to landfill – and as it won’t break down anaerobically, there will not be a build-up of methane gas.
Reduce Your Plastic Consumption!
Plastic seems to have found its way into every single aspect of our lives. However, giving it up isn’t as difficult as you might think – bring a canvas bag with you when you go shopping, buy your fruit and veg loose and stop buying bottled water.
These tips were all taken from our Tuesday Tips segments on social media. Please follow us on Instagram, Facebook or Linkedin for new tips every week!